
Hi, my name is Dan and I am excited to tell you about what we do here at Luceo Training!

Most of us are good at communicating - most of the time. We can express what we want, listen to each other and generally come to an understanding. But too many times that all goes out the window when a conflict happens. We get agitated and emotional, say the first thing that comes to mind and escalate things. How often have you thought to yourself later- “well, I could have maybe handled that better?”

Here at Luceo we aim to help you do exactly that, handle conflicts well and communicate effectively even in difficult situations. We do this through the Conflict Communications program, a course that teaches you why we react to conflicts the way we do, and what you can do about it.

I founded this company in 2017 with the aim of bringing high quality communications training to companies that need it, after years of working in the business world. After finishing University I started working as a management assistant for a self-made CEO in the water recycling business. I was responsible for assuring the smooth communication of financial information from twenty small businesses across five countries, getting a first-hand view of the importance of deliberate communication in the business environment. I moved on from there to qualify as a Chartered Accountant and worked for as a financial auditor for several years.

At the same time I was also training in martial arts, self-defence and conflict resolution. I have been a practicing martial artist since 2005, and travelled all over the world to train with some of the top people in the field. That’s how I met Rory Miller of Chiron Training, and was first exposed to Conflict Communication. After training in the program and putting it to good use in my professional life for years, I became one of the first people certified to teach the seminar and decided to focus my energies on that. I went back to University to earn a Master’s degree and founded Luceo Training at the same time, running seminars for companies and teaching professional soft skills to university students.

Our version of Conflict Communication is adapted for the needs of the business environment. Whether it is internal communications, supervision, supplier interactions or dealing with difficult customers, our program will help you understand why conflicts happen and how to deal with them. We frequently get feedback by participants how much it has helped them in their personal lives as well. If you are interested, contact us to get more information.


Luceo Training Ltd is a company registered in Scotland with company registration number SC569934

15 Bell Street,
KY16 9UR
United Kingdom

Email: dan@luceotraining.com